IEP Mini Summit in Belfast

Our Head of Specialist Employment Services participated in a mini-summit as part of employability and skills programme

Our head of specialist employment services, Suzanne was invited to participate in a mini summit in Belfast organised by the Institute of Employability Professionals and Belfast City Council.

The mini-summit was the first in a series of theme-based workshops being delivered by Belfast City Council in partnership with the Institute of Employability Professionals.

During the event, she led a session on Neurodiversity: Changing Perceptions, providing an overview of the topic and discussing strategies for altering employer perceptions. We’re incredibly proud of Suzanne for spreading awareness of neurodiversity and employment.

Belfast hosts mini-summit as part of employability and skills programme | Belfast News Letter

“It was an honour to have been invited to join Scott Parking, CEO of the Institute of Employability professionals to speak at the first IEP Mini Summit in Belfast. Not only meeting some extremely passionate professionals and getting to share our knowledge around neurodiversity but getting to enjoy the wonderful and history filled Belfast City”

Image of large presentation screen with a speakers stand next to it
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