Multipy North Yorkshire

What is the Multiply programme?

The programme is aimed at anyone with Neurodiversity conditions across the North Yorkshire area, who is over the age of 19.

The aim of the programme is to support adults to increase numeracy skills through short term interventions. We will initially meet with you to understand your individual needs, you will then be offered either one to one support or small group sessions to suit your needs.

Support will have a focus on increasing numeracy skills, however this could be linked to many things, such as:

  • Helping you manage your money now you have a new job
  • Helping you juggle your finances in the cost of living crisis
  • Help you find a way to decrease your bills
  • Help you to build your confidence to access further learning to improve your maths qualifications
  • Finding suitable course and opportunities for you that are accessible for your needs

We will also be working with employers to help them look past the need for maths qualifications and embrace the skills and strengths individuals can bring to the workplace, regardless of what level maths qualification they hold.

What support does the programme offer?

Our Multiply programme offers one to one or small group support to help you increase your overall numeracy skills.

We can help you with:

  • Managing money
  • Cost of living support
  • Neurodiversity awareness
  • Numeracy skills


To be eligible for this programme you have to meet the following criteria:

  • Live in a North Yorkshire Council area
  • Have less than level 2 Maths qualification
  • Be over the age of 19

You can currently be in employment and / or in education to access this support.

How to access this programme

Contact us: or on 0114 3086280.

Our Specialist Employment Coach will contact you to arrange an initial appointment. If you would like us to contact someone on your behalf then please let us know when you get in touch.

We are delighted to offer support through the Multiply Project that adds value to our employment services, by supporting adults to develop maths skills in everyday life we are enabling individuals to develop independence and have the ability to take the next step towards employment

Suzanne, Head of Specialist Employment Services
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