Strategies for the workplace – dyslexia

Helping you to succeed in the workplace with dyslexia

This resource aims to give you some ideas as to help you in the workplace

Information overload

Reading or taking in too much information at once can be overwhelming for someone with dyslexia. If you are reading text on paper then try holding another piece of paper over the page you are reading from underneath the line of text and keep moving it down, this stops you from being overwhelmed by the block of text and allows you to focus on the part you are reading. If you are reading from a computer screen you can get apps that provide a screen ruler option that can block out text before after where you are focusing.

Voice notes

Remembering lots of information can be challenging, if you are in meetings or training or just working with colleagues on a project, it can be helpful to voice record the conversation (with the permission of others in the room) to help you listen back afterwards to ensure you have not missed any key points.


Using lists can be extremely helpful to help prioritise work and not feel overwhelmed by lots of information to remember at once. Bullet point information or again as before use voice notes on your phone to record things you need to remember.

Referring back

Get into the habit of referring back to notes, voice notes or bullet points to ensure you keep on track and do not forget anything important. Adults with dyslexia can be easily distracted and have difficulties with memory when overloaded with too much information at once.


Schedule time in your day to plan what needs to be done and prioritise work, it can be helpful to do this at the start or end of a day ready for the next day to clear off anything you are thinking about into a written or voice note that you can refer back to. Planning can save a lot of stress later on.

Speak to your employer

It is important to be open with your employer, write down the key things you feel your employer should know and what you need from your employer to help you then ask them for a meeting to discuss. It is always helpful to have a list of ideas of support ready to discuss as often employers struggle to know what to suggest or how to help.


If you feel you would benefit from workplace coaching and mentoring then take a look at our Access to Work programme.
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