On the first few occasions of meeting with Adam he talked very little and hid behind the chair with his hoody on. Over the sessions he progressed to being on the computer until eventually he would talk directly to our team member. During the visits we supported mum with the application for PIP and UC50 form. Once Adam was more accepting of our input, we moved on to learning about CV’s. Adam found this challenging because he had no experience other than college and that had been supported with an EHCP.
Once Adam had built up some confidence with our support, we looked at volunteer opportunities that would assist Adam with self-esteem and confidence. After looking at a few options related to gardening, we found none supportive enough. The Autism Plus Chocolate shop & café in Easingwold had openings so we went for a visit. Adam was welcomed by Jane and the rest of the staff, also volunteers. Adam agreed to try it with my support. Every week we attended, and Adam became more confident with the staff as he learnt about making coffee, the displays, the health and safety requirements. After a few weeks he attended without our Employment Coach support, and he successfully attends weekly. He feels he has support there and they want him around.
Through attending the service Adam has become more confident and his self-esteem has improved. He gets up, washes and dresses to attend the volunteering. He meets new people and is able to socialise with them a lot easier. He does still require support but is more willing to take from the appropriate person rather than the one he knows well. He is able to attend the volunteering weekly and by doing so is learning transferable skills that he will be able to use in paid employment in the future.