Nathan accessed our services as an unemployed adult that was struggling with his mental health and needed some direction on his journey towards work. He was unaware of how much money he was receiving each month from his benefits and would spend his money on unnecessary items. His goal is to eventually live independently but he knew he needed to learn the skills to do this. He did not pay any bills other than his mobile phone and had never helped at home or paid any rent to his parents, there was a concern that once Nathan secured work he would not have an understanding of his finances or what to do with his money and this was something he wanted to work on.
We worked with Nathan to look at incomings and outgoings and showed Nathan how he can save money each month to go towards his future. We supported Nathan to look at the value of money, supporting him to secure a cheaper mobile phone plan. As part of Nathans journey we made enquiries about voluntary work and Nathan wanted to develop his employability skills and help build his confidence in a working environment for when he secures paid employment.
“I am a different person from a year ago, thanks to the Multiply project I now have goals and aims for my future and I know I can achieve this. I can see the benefit in the small changes I have made and am really feeling a lot better about my future and my ability to be independent”
The biggest challenge for Nathan was raising his awareness of the value of money and budgeting, learning how to do things for himself, and wanting to eventually make those steps into employment. Nathan has really come a long way with the support of the project, he has also started to pay rent to his parents for the first time and sees the importance of this. He knows how to budget and is developing skills that will help him when he lives in his own flat and has his own rent and bills to pay.
Nathan embraced the support from the Multiply project as he was unaware of the support available for him before he found our service.
We are looking forward to see what the next step in Nathans journey is as he has now moved onto our Rise project, to start looking for paid employment.