Kit started our service with a clear goal: to work in an administrative role. They were getting interviews but not passing them, and they were feeling discouraged. They felt that they were not able to demonstrate their suitability for the role, and they had limited experience in administration.
Kit was looking for an administrative apprenticeship, but they had only experience working with their mother, which they felt they could not use in applications because it was not paid or volunteer work.
We helped Kit identify barriers to employment, including application forms and reasonable adjustments. We also discussed ADHD traits and how they might present in the workplace. Kit was feeling particularly down about their work prospects, so we decided to focus on job searching while continuing to work on barriers.
Our team member asked Kit to show them their previous apprenticeship application answers. Kit’s answers were short and lacked detail, but they expressed that they struggled to express themselves in writing. We created a document with the application questions and asked Kit to speak their answers, which we then typed up. The result was a detailed application form with examples of Kit’s skills. Kit was very happy with the completed application and felt confident sending it off. We then identified several apprenticeships that Kit could apply for.
Kit got an interview for an Apprentice Admin position at Flexowash. We supported them with interview preparation, including helping Kit write notes of key things to remember and showcase. We also created a document of reasonable adjustments that would support Kit’s transition into work.
Kit successfully secured the apprenticeship and has now started in the role. We will continue to support them through Access to Work, and Kit’s employer is eager to ensure that they have the support they need. Kit has started their training and is settling in well. Before they started, our team liaised with their manager about adjustments and implemented them.
Kit’s manager commented that Kit was clearly the strongest candidate for the role and that their autism is a positive aspect of their personality. This comment has given Kit confidence in their abilities and allowed them to start the position feeling confident and happy, with the support of our team along the way.
“The reason I felt so miserable is that I felt hope that things could change, but this made me more miserable, I hated this feeling. I didn’t know where to go for support and felt there was a battle for support to be put in place. I was referred to Autism Plus and the support provided has been hugely beneficial for me, supporting me to gain employment and this is being continued”.