Charlotte has a degree in broadcast journalism and journalism. Since graduating from University Charlotte has worked in a couple of roles but not found the right role to suit her long term as yet. Since her previous employment she has had plenty of interviews but never seemed to go anywhere. Charlotte needed to build her self-esteem and understand her recently diagnosed Autism.
Charlotte has been able to access support through 1:1 weekly online meetings. Together we worked on building self-esteem. Charlotte has experienced many negative responses from, employers which has knocked her confidence but she has a real desire to work and has put a lot of time and effort into finding the right role.
“The support has given me confidence to be able to talk about my Autism to employers. It made me realise that I do not need to be scared”
Due to negative experiences Charlotte was nervous disclosing her Autism to future employers so we worked on how to disclose positively to future employers, and how to request and discuss reasonable adjustments without worrying about the employer reaction.
We are delighted to say that Charlotte with our support has secured paid employment in a role where she can utilise her skills and qualification and feel confident and supported in her role with full disclosure of her autism.
Since securing the role we have also supported Charlotte to apply for Access to Work funding to access our ongoing coaching and mentoring in the workplace.
“The best thing about the project was I got a job and i was supported to not worry about judgement of others, feeling confident and supported by my coach to talk openly about my needs”