If you have just left school or are about to leave school this page will provide you with useful information to help your transition from education

Whether you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or not, we can help you to take that next step towards employment. You do not need a formal diagnosis to access our service and in most places you do not need an EHCP.

We have fully funded support programmes to help you to find employment across Sheffield, North Yorkshire, Wakefield and East Riding – in all other areas you can access our First Routes programme which is a self funded programme that we offer for those outside of our funded areas.

Our support is tailored to your needs to help you:

  • Make decisions about your future
  • Understand options available to you including being employed, self employment, apprenticeships and internships
  • Look at your strengths and skills and help match these to job options
  • Find and secure work experience/ volunteering
  • Develop your CV and application writing skills
  • Prepare for interviews
  • Overcome barriers

We will work with you (and your family where appropriate) to help you identify next steps and make a plan for your future.

Our team also provide support when you have got a job including:

  • Training for your employer
  • Travel planning
  • Budgeting skills
  • Job coaching
  • Ongoing support and guidance

If you feel you would benefit from our support please contact our team on employmentsupport@autismplus.co.uk and we can discuss the best programme to support your needs. You are welcome to get a family member or friend to contact us if this is easier and bring them along to the appointment too. 

To find out more about our various programmes please follow the link below
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